Mayuri Madavi

Law of Attraction

Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires

Ask and It Is Given

by Esther Hicks (Author), Jerry Hicks (Narrator, Author), Hicks Family (Publisher)

Law of Attraction

  1. Like attracts like: Your thoughts and emotions attract similar experiences.
  2. Vibrational match: Your desires and beliefs must match vibrationally to receive what you want.
  3. Thoughts become reality: Your thoughts, whether positive or negative, create your reality.


  1. Ask, allow, receive: The three-step process for manifestation: ask for what you want, allow it to come into your life, and receive it with gratitude.
  2. Let go of resistance: Release negative thoughts and emotions that block your manifestations.
  3. Focus on the feeling: Instead of focusing on the physical manifestation, focus on the feeling of already having what you want.

Emotional Guidance

  1. Follow your emotions: Your emotions guide you toward your desires or away from them.
  2. Choose good-feeling thoughts: Focus on thoughts that feel good and align with your desires.
  3. Practice self-love: Love and accept yourself exactly as you are.

Spiritual Growth

  1. You are a creator: You have the power to create your reality through your thoughts and emotions.
  2. You are eternal: Your spirit is eternal, and your physical body is just a temporary manifestation.
  3. Align with your inner being: Listen to your intuition and align with your inner being to achieve happiness and fulfillment.

Success and Happiness

  1. Success is Joy: The standard of success is the amount of joy you feel.
  2. Happiness is a choice: Choose to focus on good-feeling thoughts and emotions to create happiness.
  3. Save yourself: Focus on your own spiritual growth and happiness, rather than trying to save others.

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