Mayuri Madavi

Self Help



by  Wayne W. Dyer (Author)

Intention and Spirituality

  1. Self-realization connects us to our source: Once connected, nothing can go wrong.
  2. Intention is a universal force: Everything in the universe is connected to intention through a connectivity link.
  3. Intention is spirit: Spirit is silently blissful and intention is its expression.

The Seven Faces of Intention

  1. Creativity: Intention inspires creativity and manifestation.
  2. Kindness: Choosing kindness activates the power of intention.
  3. Love: Love is the most powerful and unknown energy in the world.
  4. Beauty: Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul.
  5. Expansion: Intention expands our consciousness and possibilities.
  6. Unlimited abundance: Intention attracts abundance and prosperity.
  7. Receptivity: Being receptive allows us to receive the blessings of intention.

Connecting with Intention

  1. Contemplate your desires: Visualize yourself surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce.
  2. Align with intention: Every act in harmony with intention expresses your power.
  3. Service to others: Finding purpose in service to others connects us to something greater.

Spiritual Growth and Purpose

  1. Mature individuals live humbly: They want to live for a higher purpose.
  2. Anxiety indicates spiritual insecurity: Trust in a higher power eliminates anxiety.
  3. Silence is the voice of God: Silence allows us to connect with our inner self and higher power.

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