Mayuri Madavi


The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness

The Psychology of Money

by Morgan Housel (Author), Chris Hill (Narrator), Harriman House (Publisher)

Investing and Wealth

  1. Consistency over perfection: Good investing is not about making perfect decisions, but about consistently not screwing up.
  2. Control your time: Controlling your time is the highest dividend money pays.
  3. Wealth is freedom: The ability to wake up every morning and say “I can do whatever I want today” is the highest form of wealth.

Human Nature and Behavior

  1. Personal experiences shape perceptions: Your personal experiences with money make up a tiny percentage of what’s happened in the world, but they heavily influence how you think the world works.
  2. History doesn’t repeat itself, but humans do: People tend to make the same mistakes over and over.
  3. Luck and risk are intertwined: Every outcome in life is guided by forces beyond individual efforts.

Decision-Making and Planning

  1. Be prepared for unexpected events: Planning for your plan not going according to plan is crucial.
  2. Long-term planning is harder than it seems: People’s goals and desires change over time, making long-term planning challenging.
  3. Aim low: Setting realistic goals and aiming low can be a more effective way to achieve success.

Relationships and Values

  1. Humility and kindness matter: Humility, kindness, and empathy earn more respect than material possessions.
  2. Reputation, freedom, and relationships are invaluable: These aspects of life are more important than material wealth.
  3. True success is existing outside the rat race: Finding peace and contentment is a key aspect of success.

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